On 3/21/2015 8:52 PM, William Bagwell wrote:
On Saturday 21 March 2015, Al Black wrote:
Although the ideal solution is obviously users changing their behaviour
and or MUAs, I've wondered whether an "auto-trim" function within mailman
would make sense (for digest users...)

Yes! For every one, not just digest users. And it should default to removing
all but one single level of quoted text (regardless of top or bottom
posting) and be *user* setable to none removed or all quoted text removed.

Settable by which user?  The sender or the recipient?

And wouldn't a default of removing all but one level of quoted text make nonsense of some posts? E.g. in the passage above, one needs the inner quotation to know what the outer quotation refers to.

It seems to me correct editing of quotation sequences requires human thought, not just mechanical text manipulation. Even though some people expect their computers to think for them.

Larry Kuenning

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