> On 22 Mar 2015, at 1:28 pm, Larry Kuenning <la...@qhpress.org> wrote:
> It seems to me correct editing of quotation sequences requires human 
> thought, not just mechanical text manipulation.  Even though some people 
> expect their computers to think for them.

I'd be happier if more clients at least allowed the option of using > to 
indicate quoting level, so it would be possible to edit them into a suitable 
format. And if html wasn't the default for so many clients.

When I try to manipulate an email full of quotes that are indicated by various 
methods including vertical lines down the left side and different coloured 
text, in an html editor that doesn't work properly, and which turns it all to 
mush if I convert to plain text because of line wrapping problems, it's easy to 
become discouraged.

Peter Shute
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