On 10/06/2015 10:30 AM, fsanti...@garbage-juice.com wrote:
> I've installed / compiled mailman 2.1.20 from source on centos 7. works
> fine when manually operated via:
> bin/mailmanctl start / stop
> when i copy the mailman script from /scripts to /etc/rc.d/init.d and
> perform 'chkconfig --add mailman', and then try to start it via:

You should be using the configured init.d script from misc/mailman in
the directory in which you configured the source distribution.

> systemctl start mailman
> it does actually start (I can see the processes) but on the CLI, it
> reports start failed. When I ask for the status, it tells me:
> Now, the readout states the pid file as
> /usr/lib/mailman/data/master-qrunner.pid, which doesn't exist.
> When started manually via mailmanctl, the pid file that is created is: 
> /var/lib/mailman/data/master-qrunner.pid
> When started via systemctl, despite the reported error, the pid file
> actually exists under /var/lib...
> So systemd is looking in the wrong spot for the pid apparently.
> Where can I make a change to tell systemd where to look? Thanks everyone.

Probably in something like /etc/sysconfig/mailman, but if you want to
run the source distribution, you should be using it 100%. If you install
from source but use init.d scripts, crontabs, etc. from a package,
you're asking for trouble.

Mark Sapiro <m...@msapiro.net>        The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
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