On Tue, 6 Sep 2016, Matt Morgan wrote:

Now that I understand them, I think I'll start using MIME digests them for
myself when I can. And I like offering the option. The question is more,
what would I use as the default? And I think honestly that putting everyone
on MIME digests would substantially decrease readership on this list.

On the list I manage I do not use digests as default, although I recommend them. Digests have one advantage which is also a disadvantage under certain situations.

- Digests are sent with all mails packed together either at a predefined
  time (usually once per day at midday) OR when they exceeed a given size

- ... so you will NOT receive messages in real time

- this can be an advantage on lists with a large traffic and/or a large
  amount of "noise" (uninteresting messages). I do advise using digests
  for the internal discussion list of our nationwide organization (several
  hundred members). Reading messages once per day cools down the
  discussion. It also diminishes the disturbance of receiving a lot of
  mail asking for attention (I do use digests for "professional
  wide-spectrum" lists, like this one where I can discard a fraction of
  messages as not interesting or not concerning me, usually just by
  scanning through the subjects)

- this is a disadvantage for professional narrow-spectrum lists where
  quick reply is required. In this case I do avoid digests so that I
  can receive messages in real time (mailman is still good in providing
  a common reference archive for all members). Usually these lists
  have few members, and act orderly (no noise, no flames).

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