Currently running Mailman 2.1.9 with a low-volume moderated list called I'm supposed to receive notifications of posts to be moderated at, both as single notifications as the posts come in and as daily batch notifications (normally at 8:00 AM) if there are any accumulated posts from the day before.

On Aug. 31 I received, as usual, a single-post notification,
> Subject: Kuenning-Relatives post from [user@domain] requires approval
which I acted on promptly.

On Sept. 1 at 8:00 AM I received a daily summary notification,
> Subject: 1 Kuenning-Relatives moderator request(s) waiting
covering one post for which there had _not_ been a single-post notification (not the above post but a reply to it).

Again this morning, Sept. 3, I got another summary,
> Subject: 4 Kuenning-Relatives moderator request(s) waiting
covering 4 posts for _none_ of which there had been any single-post notification.

This sudden and unexpected loss of the immediate single-post notifications naturally makes it harder to moderate the posts in a timely fashion.

No changes were made to the list or the mailman setup during the relevant time period.

Where should I look in the mailman logs for clues about what's wrong? I tried cd-ing to the log directory (/var/log/mailman) and grepping for the notification address, but nothing turned up.

P.S. I know I'd be better off if I could upgrade from 2.1.9 to something that can cope with DMARC, but this is a Plesk setup and I'm afraid to mess with it for fear of breaking something. Any advice about this would be welcome but isn't the main subject of this query.

Larry Kuenning

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