I'm having trouble with a Mailman install which I maintain for a charity 
(2.1.39_1 on FreeBSD 12.3-p5)

In diagnosing a DMARC "FAIL" reported in Gmail I notice that some settings 
are having absolutely no effect:


So in my testing today, at no point have I been able to get Mailman to 
"Munge From" or "Wrap Message" in any way.

Other nearby settings work, so I am able to change the config; it's the 
correct list etc. I've also tried re-starting. Logs in 
/usr/local/mailman/log aren't showing any errors or hints.

As some feedback, an FAQ [*] mentions ALLOW_FROM_IS_LIST; setting this has 
no impact, not suprising as the source code doesn't seem to mention this 
string anyway. Reading more carefully, I can see this doesn't apply to the 
current version; perhaps someone with Wiki access might consider the 
manner it's written, whilst technically correct, is a little 
backward/confusing, or removing old information.


Many thanks

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