Hi everybody!

Just wanted to thank Torsten for this fantastic bundle.
I'm a Things 2 user and will love that.

And by the way, thank you for this great community here and to you Benny for your incredible work.
I'm a proud user of it! Thanks.

Greetings from Switzerland.

On 22 Nov 2013, at 19:27, Torsten Grust wrote:

Hello all,

I am a user of Things 2 (http://culturedcode.com) and have built
commands to create a Things todo item based on the current MailMate message
(right along the lines of Benny's OmniFocus and Reminders commands).

The .mmBundle implementing the commands is attached.  Unpack the ZIP
archive into

        ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Bundles

(you may need to create this directory first).  The relevant
files will unpack under


which is a regular directory you can change into.

Details to note:

1. The commands `Command → Things → Add With Summary ...` and
`Command → Things → Add ...` are bound to ⌃⇧T, ⌃T, respectively. You can change these bindings in the `.mmCommand` files in subdirectory `Commands/`
(see the `keyEquivalent` property).

2. The created todo item will be placed in Things' "Inbox" list (replace "Inbox" with, say, "Today" or "Next" in `Support/bin/create_task` if you prefer a
different target list).

3. The todo item will carry the message's MailMate tags. Delete or comment the
relevant line in `Support/bin/create_task` if you don't want MailMate
to pollute the Things tag space.


| Torsten "Teggy" Grust
| torsten.gr...@gmail.com
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