On 26 Nov 2013, at 20:06, Rob McBroom wrote:

I agree that a mixture of top-posted and bottom-posted replies quickly becomes confusing.

Is a thread where every reply is consistently top-posted any less difficult to follow? :-)

FWIW, my experience is that editing the relevant bits and replying below confuses the hell out of most people, who wouldrather wade through a huge number of posts, complete with long signatures so that each message becomes an entire archive of the discussion. Unfortunately, it seems to work for most people, thus top-posting displaced bottom-posting [a phrase which sounds really, really bad in UK English]. The argument has raged for as long as I've done email, and I've mostlygiven up fighting it, not least because (getting OT) top-posting is an awful lot easier on an iPhone/iPad than the scrolling/editing thing.
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