On 6 Dec 2013, at 22:35, Torsten Grust wrote:

Now, I'm not sure exactly how you want this to work, but it's certainly possible to create a command which based on the currently selected message (or selected text in the message) can create an event in BusyCal/iCal/Fantastical (3 more bundles to be created).

How would a command receive the currently *selected* text (as opposed to the entire
message text)?

The latest test versions actually provide selected text instead of the canonical text when `canonical` is the input type and something is selected, but I'm probably not going to continue to do that (don't rely on it). I've also added a `selection` input type and I think I'm going to keep that and then make this, optionally, fall back to the whole text if there is no selection (like TextMate).

In the current commands, a mechanism like

        environment   = 'MM_FROM=${from} ...'

makes the `From:` address available in the environment. Would the selected text
be communicated in a similar fashion?

This would be inefficient for large selections.

Well, BusyCal as well as Fantastical come with quite sophisticated date parsers that are exposed via the URL scheme and AppleScript, respectively. It could be an
option to simply rely on these (for now).

I actually didn't ready the details of the BusyCal URL scheme. This could perhaps work well.

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