On 2 Apr 2014, at 17:17, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 2 Apr 2014, at 17:00, Matt Gray wrote:

That would be `newIMAPMailbox:`. I'll add that and `newSmartMailbox:` to the official list. For now, note that `newIMAPMailbox:` does not behave well (crash?) if an IMAP mailbox is not selected (fixed for the next update).

Ideally, the interface for “New IMAP Mailbox” should be changed to a sheet with a single text field in which one could provide an IMAP mailbox path (with automatic completion). If an IMAP mailbox is selected that would be the default parent mailbox path and if no IMAP mailbox is selected then the default could be the most recent IMAP mailbox path in which a mailbox was added.

There is an plug-in for Apple Mail (and now an app for sandbox reasons) called [MsgFiler](http://msgfiler.com) that provides the functions as Matt has described. It has even a similar UI. MsgFiler allows to navigate to a mailbox (like the "Go to Mailbox" command in Mailmate) and then to [create a new mailbox as a child from the selected parent mailbox](http://msgfiler.com/support/docs/#newmailbox). Maybe it would be an idea to use a similar approach in MailMate.

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