On 7 Apr 2014, at 9:53, Rob McBroom wrote:

On 6 Apr 2014, at 11:36, Kee Hinckley wrote:

But it’s allowed me to do things like add automatic syntax-highlighting to code blocks, and support tab-delimited tables, and otherwise extend my email in ways which make my work much easier. If someone were to view the plain-text of those messages, or even reply to them, they wouldn’t get exactly what I got, but they’d get something perfectly readable–that’s the basic nature of Markdown.

…unless they use MailMate to read the plain-text part, in which case, it will detect `markup=markdown` and run your text through its internal processor, which won’t always handle it correctly.

No, that's my point. The whole idea behind Markdown is that readable even if *not* processed. So the fact that one markdown processor supports a couple extra features doesn't matter. What you see still makes sense.

If I send you some code-fenced Python and you don't see it with syntax highlighting, that's fine. It's still formatted correctly and perfectly readable. If I paste in some tab-separated content, you see tab-separated content. That's fine. Yes, someone viewing the HTML will see a prettier version--but that's what HTML is for.
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