On 19 Jul 2014, at 21:23, Olivier Bedouelle wrote:

I have a problem with with email addresses. Are there a way to remove the "to" list that offers me MailMate when entering a new email?

The email addresses are taken from your “Sent Messages” mailbox (and from Contacts). You can move messages with invalid email addresses elsewhere or you can change which mailbox MailMate uses for completing email addresses:

defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmAddressCompletionMailbox -string 8F9C1062-E4F8-4949-B5DC-BAB7CDEC4110

The value provided should be the UUID of a mailbox (obtained using “Edit ▸ Copy” after selecting a mailbox). Using a dummy value (like above) disables completion based on sent messages.

{On a bad internet connection this week.}
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