On 2014-07-22 03:10, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote: 

> On 19 Jul 2014, at 21:23, Olivier Bedouelle wrote: 
>> I have a problem with with email addresses. Are there a way to remove the 
>> "to" list that offers me MailMate when entering a new email?
> The email addresses are taken from your "Sent Messages" mailbox (and from 
> Contacts). You can move messages with invalid email addresses elsewhere or 
> you can change which mailbox MailMate uses for completing email addresses: 
> defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmAddressCompletionMailbox -string 
> 8F9C1062-E4F8-4949-B5DC-BAB7CDEC4110
> The value provided should be the UUID of a mailbox (obtained using "Edit ▸ 
> Copy" after selecting a mailbox).

When I copy a normal mailbox, the value is a string beginning with
imap://, not a UUID like that above. Does this method only work with
non-standard smart folders? 

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