On 20 Feb 2015, at 15:56, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote (with possible deletions):
On 19 Feb 2015, at 18:03, Torsten Grust wrote:

On 19 Feb 2015, at 17:06, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote (with possible deletions):

I can reproduce the issue. I first tried adding a new tag to a message which worked fine, but then I added another tag to the same message and I got two unnamed submailboxes. I'll look into it.

Thanks for looking into it!  Great!

I've tried to fix this in the latest test version. It was more tricky than I thought and a proper fix would require more work. I believe it works now though.

r5063 appears to fix this bug for me.  Thanks a bunch, Benny!

I've also been looking into the mythical double character issue which is bug number 1 on my list now. It's not fixed, but at least I've seen it myself a few times now :-)

Ddoouubbllee cchhaarraacctteerrss?? II ddoonn''tt sseeee tthhaatt hheerree..

Have a nice weekend.

You too!


| Torsten "Teggy" Grust
| torsten.gr...@gmail.com
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