On 27 Apr 2015, at 20:28, Joshua Kehn wrote:

I'm working on expanding the MailMate -> OmniFocus flow. In particular, I'm customizing the AppleScript to “intelligently” either create Inbox tasks (quick replies, further planning) OR full-on projects inside folders (like, for example, when a JIRA ticket comes in, I want to setup a project in a client's folder to handle that).

Now that I've roughed out how this should look from a script perspective, how do I get that into MailMate to start testing? I've symlinked the folder into the bundle location and that isn't being picked up by MailMate

The best approach is to fork the bundle on Github and then clone it to the Bundles folder. I guess I should describe that in more detail :-) (I'll also provide a simpler solution further below.)

I'm going to assume you haven't used Github or git before:

* Create an account at [github.com]()
* Go to the [OmniFocus bundle](https://github.com/mailmate/omnifocus.mmbundle) github page.
* Click the Fork button to create your own repository.
* Now make a clone of your forked copy:

                ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Bundles
git clone https://github.com/<your github user name>/omnifocus.mmbundle.git

* Make your changes.
* Test your changes.
* Learn how to use `git` ;-)
* Commit/push your changes using `git`.
* Optionally, send me a pull request for any changes of general interest to OmniFocus users. Alternatively, you can share your changes with co-workers by having them clone your forked copy of the bundle.

Now, if you have never used `git` and don't want to then here is the quick approach:

        cd ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Bundles
        git clone https://github.com/mailmate/omnifocus.mmbundle.git

Now you can make all of your changes locally. (Note that it should not be necessary to relaunch MailMate when you make changes.)

I hope this helps.

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