After fifteen years of using Bare Bones Mailsmith (and primarily POP-based email, although I maintain both POP and IMAP email servers), I am considering moving to IMAP and Mailmate appears to the most functional, well-designed, and impressive modern mail client I’ve seen since switching to Mailsmith in the late 90s. After using it for a couple of weeks and deciding to make the transition however, I have a few questions which I am hoping someone might be able to answer. If I missed something in the help-file/manual though, please let me know..

First, is there a “paste as quoted” command, or pre-existing way to combine the functions of “paste” and “quoting -> increase level” into a single key command? It looks like multiple actions can be defined for a single key binding, and it appears that custom key bindings could be used to do this, but is there a more direct way of doing with with the stock application? And as a followup question - if key bindings are necessary to do this, could these need to be installed in “~/Library/KeyBindings/DefaultKeyBinding.dict” or would they have to be within the app package itself? (where the would be over-written with app updates)

Is there any way to re-wrap quoted or body text, preferably with a user-defined column width and indentation options? I see the BBEdit bundle will pass messages being drafted into BBEdit, but I don’t see how those edits come back to Mailmate (aside from a manual copy/paste?) and it would be more helpful to be able to do this directly in Mailmate if possible. I see the case-change options in the “Edit -> Transformations” menu, but

Is there a menu item, or more specifically a key shortcut, for copying messages to a mailbox - similar to the “Move to mailbox…” function? I see that this can be done using rule actions as well as manually by dragging selected messages while holding down the option key, but not a menu item for which a key shortcut or binding might be defined.

Regarding replies, is there reply setting to place the quoted text at the top (with the insertion point after), for inline (or bottom-posting) replies? Additionally, is there a way to edit the attribution line text inserted into a reply?

Lastly, is there a way for sent-replies to remain in (or rather, be automatically moved to) the same mailbox/folder as the original message so they can be more easily manually filed (moved to a folder) together?

Thank you in advance for your time any thoughts or suggestions you might have regarding these questions!
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