
Recently, I've started seeing Mailmate connection log files dropped onto my Desktop, apparently one per mailbox that had a connection problem. Here's one:

Connection log (2015-10-11 19:58:41 +0000):
19:58:33 Trying to disconnect nicely (8)...
19:58:33 C: E11 LOGOUT
19:58:41 Error: Time limit (8s) reached while trying to read data (imap.gmail.com)
19:58:41 S:
19:58:41 Clearing connection to imap.gmail.com

Any suggestions as to why they're on my desktop, and how to relocate them? I'm using 10.8.5.

(Apologies if this has been addressed already, but my search of the list archives and Lighthouse didn't turn up anything that seemed to fit, so I thought I'd check here first. I'm happy to file a bug if one is called for.)

Eric A. Meyer - http://meyerweb.com/
mailmate mailing list

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