On 12 Oct 2015, at 15:02, Sparky Doosan wrote:

Again I apologize for trying to come up to speed quickly, I'm sure this is well-documented somewhere but still I ask... what does "MailMate will tell the mail server that it's not junk" mean?

An IMAP server with a dedicated mailbox for junk emails might interpret moving a message out of this mailbox as a sign that the message wasn't junk. There is not dedicated message an email client can send to the IMAP server to tell it that something is or is not junk. It can only be done implicitly.

Another possibility (I don't know if this happens in practice) is that the server keeps an eye on the $Junk/$NotJunk IMAP keywords which are kind of standard. MailMate applies/removes these keywords whenever a message is moved in/out of the Junk folder.

I suppose a better question would be, is there MM equivalent to http://c-command.com/spamsieve/help/using-spamsieve ?

No, that is the best I can offer you for now. In my opinion it's more readable at http://manual.mailmate-app.com, because I don't really like the Apple Help system.

I mean I do see the excellent Introduction in Help but the statement in question seems to suggest I haven't set up my server IMAP folders correctly yet. My other recent question (and quick answer, thanks again) points this way, I needed to get my Sent folder properly configured.

The same may be true for the junk folder of each of your accounts. Especially if the server “watches” what goes in/out of some dedicated Junk folder.

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