On 22 Oct 2015, at 9:58, Lars Chr. Duus Hausmann wrote:

I would like to use encryption, and I’ve setup gpg tools and as such it works pretty well. However, it seems that lately performance has become quite unbearable.

I experience lags from mailmate in the following use-cases, where I’ve noticed it:
- composing mails (or rather drawing the preview window I guess)

In the test releases I've fixed an issue which should at least make it work better when the preview is disabled.

- marking multiple mails in folders

I’ve now disabled encryption (and signing) for now, and it’s nice and fast again. Just for reference I’ve played around with a couple of other MUA’s with encryption/signing enabled and haven’t noticed the same problems.

The main problem is that MailMate calls `gpg2` on the main thread. If there is anything slow (like lookups on a slow key server) then it'll behave as you describe. The secondary problem is that the preview triggers MailMate to call `gpg2` more often than it probably should.

So - any advice on how to MailMate to perform better with OpenPGP tools enabled?

You can use GPG Preferences to switch of automatically checking key server(s) for missing keys and you can update MailMate to the test version if you can work without the preview (there is a shortcut to enable/disable it). But the best solution is of course that I fix the shortcomings described above :-)

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