aisrael wrote (at 10:02 on 25 Jun 2016):

Sorry, I have not been clear enough : under the Window menu there is an Address Panel submenu, and in my case it shows only 9 addresses, suggesting it collects only the addresses which are currently in the Sent folder.

No, it's my fault: I should have seen that item in the Windows menu, although I'd never opened it. For what it's worth, mine includes 133 items. There are 134 items in my OS X Contacts application.

However, as MM also uses my Addresss Book as a source of addresses, it works to some extent, although in an unsatisfactory manner : it won’t work if the address I am using is neither in my Sent folder nor in my Address Book, which is quite frequent.

It's not infrequent for me, too, but it never occurred to me that it could be better. On the rare occasions when I think MM *should* know an address and doesn't, I just make sure to add that address to Contacts.

If MM is working OK in your hands, it has to be either because you leave a large number of messages in your Sent folder, or because the access to your AB is sufficient to allow autocompletion most of the time. If neither of these is correct, then MM does not work as Benny describes, which I would find disturbing.

I can't think offhand about how to restrict or enable MM's access to my Contacts.
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