On 2 Sep 2016, at 7:46, Kee Hinckley wrote:

On 1 Sep 2016, at 12:56, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
A general update: I've gotten a report which indicates that I might not be able to blame Google for all problems. At least it appears that MailMate some times does not successfully save tokens in the keychain. I'll investigate this tomorrow. My working day ends now ;)

FWIW, I just reconnected all my accounts (they'd gradually hit the error this morning) and they all connected just fine (none of them asked for a password, the existing tokens were fine) and are happy for now. The last time I tried that some of them got errors. I'm going to cross my fingers and hope it's okay in the morning.

I'm glad it works for you (for now), but I don't like that I still don't have any idea what's going on...

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