On 8 Nov 2016, at 8:01, Patrik Fältström wrote:

On 8 Nov 2016, at 18:04, Thomas Eckhold wrote:

On 8 Nov 2016, at 13:25, Patrik Fältström wrote:

I should have been careful and asked whether moveFromJunk: exists as a Key Binding Selector use like moveToJunk?

I see. I do not know but moveToJunk is a shorthand for ( 'moveToMailbox:', 'junk' ) so I would guess that moveFromJunk could be achieved with ( 'moveToMailbox:', ‚inbox' ).

The mail might not have been moved from inbox to junk but some other mailbox, so "back" might not be to inbox.

There's no persistent history maintained of what mailboxes a message has been in, so there's no way for MM to know where to move a message "back" to. The "Move Out of Junk" menu command & button move a message to INBOX because that's an identifiable non-Junk mailbox that every IMAP account must have.
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