On 8 Nov 2016, at 16:14, Bill Cole wrote:

On 8 Nov 2016, at 8:01, Patrik Fältström wrote:

On 8 Nov 2016, at 18:04, Thomas Eckhold wrote:

On 8 Nov 2016, at 13:25, Patrik Fältström wrote:

I should have been careful and asked whether moveFromJunk: exists as a Key Binding Selector use like moveToJunk?

I see. I do not know but moveToJunk is a shorthand for ( 'moveToMailbox:', 'junk' ) so I would guess that moveFromJunk could be achieved with ( 'moveToMailbox:', ‚inbox' ).

The mail might not have been moved from inbox to junk but some other mailbox, so "back" might not be to inbox.

There's no persistent history maintained of what mailboxes a message has been in, so there's no way for MM to know where to move a message "back" to. The "Move Out of Junk" menu command & button move a message to INBOX because that's an identifiable non-Junk mailbox that every IMAP account must have.

There's no history, but locally MailMate does know the previous (IMAP) location of an email. This is used by “Move Out of Junk”. There's no `moveFromJunk:` selector, but there is `toggleJunkMailbox:` which has this behavior when an email is in the Junk mailbox. Alternatively, I believe this should also work:

         ... = ( "moveToMailbox:", "previousOrInbox" );

(If a previous mailbox is not known then it moves to the Inbox.)

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