Let me see if I’m doing this right:

1. Be in any mailbox view mode (a message highlighted or not), do not click in the Search field. 2. Press the “/“ key. This should activate the Search field with blinking cursor?

Absolutely nothing happens when I press “/“.



Doing it this way is very quick and you never need to use your mouse.

On 17 Apr 2017, at 8:19, John Cooper wrote:

Ralph Alvy wrote (at 8:07 on 17 Apr 2017):

You don’t use the ‘/‘ in the Search Bar. You hit it when not in the Search Bar, to call the MailBox Search Bar.

Aha! Thank you for clarifying. You had written "before typing the search string," which I took to mean immediately before, i.e. while the search box is activated for input.
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