On 14 Oct 2017, at 1:26, Jonas Kemper wrote:

Hi everybody!

I'm trying to wrap my head around how RSVPing to calendar invites works. I appreciate how easy this is for example in gmail/outlook.

Now, my situation might be a little bit specific. I have no offline calendar configured whatsoever. This means, that I don't care that the calendar event sent is important in a calendar. I just want to RSVP to the invite. As far as I have understood the standard at this point, this should basically just be another email reply with another .ics file attached. I might be wrong about this though.

Has anybody dealt with this before? My ideal scenario would be control elements to respond with "yes/no/maybe" in Mailmate whenever a meeting invite comes in.

mailmate mailing list

I'd also love this. There's also some duplication going on.

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