On 19 Oct 2017, at 17:31, Giovanni Lanzani wrote:

  - the status

What kind of status?

You don't do many meetings, do you? :) It's accepted, rejected, maybe

I should perhaps start arranging meetings with myself in order to better understand the world outside :)

  - optionally a remark.


When replying to a meeting you can add a remark such as: "I'll be available only for the first part of the meeting". The remark and the status should come, either as env variables or via stdin, from Mailmate I guess. Is that even possible? Remark is not a priority (I guess).

I guess what I meant to ask was where this information is stored. If it's inside the attachment then this part of the work should be left to the bundle command itself. If it's somehow in the headers of the message then MailMate should provide the values (and can do so using environment variables).

Do you think they would be sufficient? Or do you need more detailed control of the construction of the MIME message?

I don't know :)

Looking at the raw message of an invite, it looks like this. From Python I could just supply the base64 encoded content. If Mailmate would handle the rest: that'd be swell! :)

When MailMate can be told to attach something then it should just be a `text/calendar` formatted file. Then that would be encoded as base64 by MailMate.

Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
        Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
        Content-Type: text/calendar; charset="utf-8"; method=REPLY

Ok, what I thought was weird about this is that the above means that MailMate should show the `text/calendar` part and ignore the `text/plain` part. The `text/calendar` part is not really an attachment. But I now realize that this is really how it's supposed to work (based on the [RFC](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6047)). The problem is that MailMate doesn't know how to display `text/calendar` and therefore needs to both display the `text/plain` part and make the `text/calendar` part available to the user. I'll keep this in mind when looking into attachments-handling via bundle commands.

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