Hi Benny,

Thanks for detailed answers. I've added some comments below.

On 18 Oct 2017, at 19:03, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

Hi Giovanni,

you already got some replies. I'll try to fill the gaps.

On 17 Oct 2017, at 23:18, Giovanni Lanzani wrote:

  - the status

What kind of status?

You don't do many meetings, do you? :) It's accepted, rejected, maybe

  - optionally a remark.


When replying to a meeting you can add a remark such as: "I'll be available only for the first part of the meeting". The remark and the status should come, either as env variables or via stdin, from Mailmate I guess. Is that even possible? Remark is not a priority (I guess).

You can all have a look [here](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4823574/sending-meeting-invitations-with-python) for a minimal Python implementation.

Replying is much easier though: you just need to change the content of one line of the invite (assuming no notes are added).

I'm going to try to ignore having to understand the details of the calendar format and what can be done with invites. I'll just note that hopefully MailMate can make this a bit simpler by taking care of constructing the MIME message.

Maybe I should just let you know when the attachments features described above are available? :)

Do you think they would be sufficient? Or do you need more detailed control of the construction of the MIME message?

I don't know :)

Looking at the raw message of an invite, it looks like this. From Python I could just supply the base64 encoded content. If Mailmate would handle the rest: that'd be swell! :)



From: Giovanni Lanzani <x>
To: xx <x>
Subject: xx
Thread-Topic: xx
Thread-Index: AdNH4ORC21n0rFd3Tyyx4cw7nfpI8AAAWUXAAAA13KM=
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2017 09:31:35 +0200
Content-Language: en-US
X-MS-Exchange-Organization-SCL: -1
X-MS-Exchange-Organization-RecordReviewCfmType: 0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
MIME-Version: 1.0

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

Content-Type: text/calendar; charset="utf-8"; method=REPLY
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64

Here the the base64 encoded ics should be present

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