On 22 Feb 2019, at 1:20, Charlie Garrison wrote:

To everyone: Sorry about the missing attachment *and* the wrong path. I've attached a new file, because the other one was actually much more complex than it needed to be (because I was trying out different approaches to the problem). They are functionally equivalent though.

On 22 Feb 2019, at 1:35, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

The attached file needs to be saved in this folder:

/Users/<username>/Application Support/MailMate/Resources/Layouts/headersFormatting.plist

Just to emphasize, it should have been:

/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Resources/Layouts/headersFormatting.plist

(And `Resources/Layouts` likely do not exist for most users.)

I've already got a custom headersFormatting.plist which is quite different from the one you supplied. Would you be willing to point out what the differences are for the Gravatar icon? Or, is there any docco to explain the structure of the headersFormatting.plist file?

There is no documentation. It really is just for users that would rather tinker with low level files than wait for me to implement some specific feature. (There are no guarantees I won't change the format of one or more of these files in the future.)

In this case, it's fairly simple what you need to do if you already have the `longFormatting` key defined. The file should start with this:

        longFormatting =
                children =
                        // Gravatar example with link
formatString = "<a href=\"https://www.gravatar.com/${from.address.#md5}\";><img style=\"float: left; height: 60px;\" src=\"https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/${from.address.#md5}\"/></a>";

And then continue with its current content. In other words, the `children` group above just got a new “first child”.

The above also shows you that it's possible to click on the avatar to go to the corresponding Gravatar page.

        longFormatting =
                children =
                        // Gravatar example with link
                                formatString = "<a 
href=\"https://www.gravatar.com/${from.address.#md5}\";><img style=\"float: 
left; height: 60px;\" 
                                separator = { string = "\n"; };
                                placeholderString = "(No headers found)";
                                // There is a lot of redundancy in the 
following. Need some way to simplify/template how this works.
                                // For now, only Resent-From/To is displayed.
                                // Note that this does not work well for 
multiple Resent headers, in particular, multiple Resent-To are hard to 

                                prefixString = "<table><tbody>";
                                suffixString = "</tbody></table>";

                                children =
                                                prefix = { string = 
"<tr><td><span class=\"header_name\">Resent-From:</span></td><td><span 
class=\"header_body\">"; };
                                                suffixString = 
                                                children =
                                                                formatString = 
                                                                escapeHTML = 1;
                                                                singleClick =
titleFormatting = { prefixString = "Resent from "; formatString = 
"“${resent-from.name}”"; };
queryFormatting = { formatString = "resent-from.name = '${resent-from.name}'"; 
separatorString = " or "; escapeSingleQuotes = 1; };
                                                                prefix = { 
formatString = "${resent-from.name:+ &lt;}";};
                                                                formatString = 
                                                                escapeHTML = 1;
                                                                suffix = { 
formatString = "${resent-from.name:+&gt;}";};
                                                                singleClick =
titleFormatting = { prefixString = "Resent from "; formatString = 
"“${resent-from.address}”"; };
queryFormatting = { formatString = "resent-from.address = 
'${resent-from.address}'"; separatorString = " or "; escapeSingleQuotes = 1; };
                                                copyValues =
                                                        { title = ''; 
valueFormatting = { formatString = '${resent-from.name:+${resent-from.name} 
<${resent-from.address}>}'; }; },
                                                        { title = 'Address 
Only'; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${resent-from.address}'; }; },
                                                        { title = 'Name Only'; 
valueFormatting = { formatString = '${resent-from.name}'; }; },
                                                isAddress = :true;
                                                prefix = { string = 
"<tr><td><span class=\"header_name\">Resent-To:</span></td><td><span 
class=\"header_body\">"; };
                                                suffixString = 
                                                sharedPrefix = "resent-to";
                                                separatorString = ", ";
                                                children =
                                                                formatString = 
                                                                escapeHTML = 1;
                                                                // Need 
alternative `#recipient` definition since resent addresses should not be part 
of `#recipient`.
                                                                //  Maybe an 
alternative which includes resents...
                                                                // singleClick =
                                                                // {
titleFormatting = { prefixString = "Resent to "; formatString = 
"“${resent-to.name}”"; };
queryFormatting = { formatString = "#recipient.name = '${resent-to.name}'"; 
escapeSingleQuotes = 1; };
                                                                // };
                                                                copyValues =
                                                                        { title 
= ''; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${resent-to.name:+${resent-to.name} 
<${resent-to.address}>}'; }; },
                                                                        { title 
= 'Address Only'; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${resent-to.address}'; }; 
                                                                        { title 
= 'Name Only'; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${resent-to.name}'; }; },
                                                                isAddress = 
                                                                prefix = { 
formatString = "${to.name:+ &lt;}";};
                                                                formatString = 
                                                                escapeHTML = 1;
                                                                suffix = { 
formatString = "${to.name:+&gt;}";};
                                                                singleClick =
titleFormatting = { prefixString = "Resent to "; formatString = 
"“${resent-to.address}”"; };
queryFormatting = { formatString = "#recipient.address = '${to.address}'"; 
escapeSingleQuotes = 1; };
                                                                copyValues =
                                                                        { title 
= ''; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${to.name:+${to.name} 
<${to.address}>}'; }; },
                                                                        { title 
= 'Address Only'; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${to.address}'; }; },
                                                                        { title 
= 'Name Only'; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${to.name}'; }; },
                                                                isAddress = 
                                                prefix = { string = 
"<tr><td><span class=\"header_name\">From:</span></td><td><span 
class=\"header_body\">"; };
                                                suffixString = 
                                                children =
                                                                formatString = 
                                                                escapeHTML = 1;
                                                                singleClick =
titleFormatting = { prefixString = "From "; formatString = "“${from.name}”"; };
queryFormatting = { formatString = "from.name = '${from.name}'"; 
separatorString = " or "; escapeSingleQuotes = 1; };
                                                                prefix = { 
formatString = "${from.name:+ &lt;}";};
                                                                formatString = 
                                                                escapeHTML = 1;
                                                                suffix = { 
formatString = "${from.name:+&gt;}";};
                                                                singleClick =
titleFormatting = { prefixString = "From "; formatString = "“${from.address}”"; 
queryFormatting = { formatString = "from.address = '${from.address}'"; 
separatorString = " or "; escapeSingleQuotes = 1; };
                                                copyValues =
                                                        { title = ''; 
valueFormatting = { formatString = '${from.name:+${from.name} 
<${from.address}>}'; }; },
                                                        { title = 'Address 
Only'; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${from.address}'; }; },
                                                        { title = 'Name Only'; 
valueFormatting = { formatString = '${from.name}'; }; },
                                                isAddress = :true;
                                                prefix = { string = 
"<tr><td><span class=\"header_name\">Subject:</span></td><td><span 
class=\"header_body\">"; };
                                                suffixString = 
                                                children =
                                                                formatString = 
                                                                escapeHTML = 1;
                                                                suffix = { 
string = " "; };
                                                                // link stuff
                                                                prefix = { 
string = "["; };
                                                                formatString = 
                                                                escapeHTML = 1;
                                                                suffix = { 
string = "] "; };
                                                                singleClick =
titleFormatting = { prefixString = "Related to "; formatString = 
"${list-id.identifier:?“${list-id.identifier}”:[${subject.blob}]}"; };
queryFormatting = { formatString = "${list-id.identifier:?list-id.identifier = 
'${list-id.identifier}':subject.blob = '${subject.blob}'}"; escapeSingleQuotes 
= 1; };
                                                                copyValues =
                                                                        { title 
= ''; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${subject}'; }; },
                                                                        { title 
= 'Blob Only'; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${subject.blob}'; }; },
                                                                formatString = 
                                                                escapeHTML = 1;
                                                                singleClick =
titleFormatting = { prefixString = "Related to "; formatString = 
"“${subject.body}”"; };
queryFormatting = { formatString = "subject.body = '${subject.body}'"; 
escapeSingleQuotes = 1; };
                                                                copyValues =
                                                                        { title 
= ''; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${subject}'; }; },
                                                                        { title 
= 'Without Prefix'; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${subject.body}'; }; },
                                                prefix = { string = 
"<tr><td><span class=\"header_name\">Date:</span></td><td><span 
class=\"header_body\">"; };
                                                suffixString = 
                                                formatString = 
                                                singleClick =
                                                        titleFormatting = { 
prefixString = "Date is "; formatString = "“${#date.day}”"; };
                                                        queryFormatting = { 
formatString = "#date.day = '${#date.day}'"; escapeSingleQuotes = 1; };
                                                prefix = { string = 
"<tr><td><span class=\"header_name\">To:</span></td><td><span 
class=\"header_body\">"; };
                                                suffixString = 
                                                sharedPrefix = "to";
                                                separatorString = ", ";
                                                limitString = " and %td 
                                                children =
                                                                formatString = 
                                                                escapeHTML = 1;
                                                                singleClick =
titleFormatting = { prefixString = "To "; formatString = "“${to.name}”"; };
queryFormatting = { formatString = "#recipient.name = '${to.name}'"; 
escapeSingleQuotes = 1; };
                                                                copyValues =
                                                                        { title 
= ''; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${to.name:+${to.name} 
<${to.address}>}'; }; },
                                                                        { title 
= 'Address Only'; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${to.address}'; }; },
                                                                        { title 
= 'Name Only'; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${to.name}'; }; },
                                                                isAddress = 
                                                                prefix = { 
formatString = "${to.name:+ &lt;}";};
                                                                formatString = 
                                                                escapeHTML = 1;
                                                                suffix = { 
formatString = "${to.name:+&gt;}";};
                                                                singleClick =
titleFormatting = { prefixString = "To "; formatString = "“${to.address}”"; };
queryFormatting = { formatString = "#recipient.address = '${to.address}'"; 
escapeSingleQuotes = 1; };
                                                                copyValues =
                                                                        { title 
= ''; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${to.name:+${to.name} 
<${to.address}>}'; }; },
                                                                        { title 
= 'Address Only'; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${to.address}'; }; },
                                                                        { title 
= 'Name Only'; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${to.name}'; }; },
                                                                isAddress = 
                                                prefix = { string = 
"<tr><td><span class=\"header_name\">Cc:</span></td><td><span 
class=\"header_body\">"; };
                                                suffixString = 
                                                sharedPrefix = "cc";
                                                limitString = " and %td 
                                                separatorString = ", ";
                                                children =
                                                                formatString = 
                                                                escapeHTML = 1;
                                                                singleClick =
titleFormatting = { prefixString = "To "; formatString = "“${cc.name}”"; };
queryFormatting = { formatString = "#recipient.name = '${cc.name}'"; 
escapeSingleQuotes = 1; };
                                                                copyValues =
                                                                        { title 
= ''; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${cc.name:+${cc.name} 
<${cc.address}>}'; }; },
                                                                        { title 
= 'Address Only'; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${cc.address}'; }; },
                                                                        { title 
= 'Name Only'; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${cc.name}'; }; },
                                                                isAddress = 
                                                                prefix = { 
formatString = "${cc.name:+ &lt;}";};
                                                                formatString = 
                                                                escapeHTML = 1;
                                                                suffix = { 
formatString = "${cc.name:+&gt;}";};
                                                                singleClick =
titleFormatting = { prefixString = "To "; formatString = "“${cc.address}”"; };
queryFormatting = { formatString = "#recipient.address = '${cc.address}'"; 
escapeSingleQuotes = 1; };
                                                                copyValues =
                                                                        { title 
= ''; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${cc.name:+${cc.name} 
<${cc.address}>}'; }; },
                                                                        { title 
= 'Address Only'; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${cc.address}'; }; },
                                                                        { title 
= 'Name Only'; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${cc.name}'; }; },
                                                                isAddress = 
                                                prefix = { string = 
"<tr><td><span class=\"header_name\">Bcc:</span></td><td><span 
class=\"header_body\">"; };
                                                suffixString = 
                                                sharedPrefix = "bcc";
                                                limitString = " and %td 
                                                separatorString = ", ";
                                                children =
                                                                formatString = 
                                                                escapeHTML = 1;
                                                                singleClick =
titleFormatting = { prefixString = "To "; formatString = "“${bcc.name}”"; };
queryFormatting = { formatString = "#recipient.name = '${bcc.name}'"; 
escapeSingleQuotes = 1; };
                                                                copyValues =
                                                                        { title 
= ''; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${bcc.name:+${bcc.name} 
<${bcc.address}>}'; }; },
                                                                        { title 
= 'Address Only'; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${bcc.address}'; }; },
                                                                        { title 
= 'Name Only'; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${bcc.name}'; }; },
                                                                isAddress = 
                                                                prefix = { 
formatString = "${bcc.name:+ &lt;}";};
                                                                formatString = 
                                                                escapeHTML = 1;
                                                                suffix = { 
formatString = "${bcc.name:+&gt;}";};
                                                                singleClick =
titleFormatting = { prefixString = "To "; formatString = "“${bcc.address}”"; };
queryFormatting = { formatString = "#recipient.address = '${bcc.address}'"; 
escapeSingleQuotes = 1; };
                                                                copyValues =
                                                                        { title 
= ''; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${bcc.name:+${bcc.name} 
<${bcc.address}>}'; }; },
                                                                        { title 
= 'Address Only'; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${bcc.address}'; }; },
                                                                        { title 
= 'Name Only'; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${bcc.name}'; }; },
                                                                isAddress = 
                                                prefix = { string = 
"<tr><td><span class=\"header_name\">Security:</span></td><td><span 
class=\"header_body\">"; };
                                                suffixString = 
                                                separatorString = " ";
                                                children =
                                                                // formatString 
= "${#encrypted:+🔒Encrypted (${#security-protocol:+Unknown protocol})}";
                                                                formatString = 
                                                                singleClick = { 
selector = "showDetails:"; };
                                                                toolTip = { 
formatString = "This message is encrypted."; };
                                                                // formatString 
= "${#signed:+✓Signed (${#security-protocol:+Unknown protocol})}";
                                                                formatString = 
                                                                singleClick = { 
selector = "showDetails:"; };
                                                                toolTip = { 
formatString = "This message is signed."; };
                                                prefix = { string = 
"<tr><td><span class=\"header_name\">Tags:</span></td><td><span 
class=\"header_body\">"; };
                                                suffixString = 
                                                separatorString = " ";
                                                sharedPrefix = "##tags.tag";
                                                children =
                                                                formatString = 
                                                                escapeHTML = 1;
                                                                singleClick =
titleFormatting = { prefixString = "Tagged "; formatString = 
"“${##tags.tag.#name}”"; };
queryFormatting = { formatString = "##tags.tag = '${##tags.tag}'"; 
escapeSingleQuotes = 1; };
                                                                copyValues =
                                                                        { title 
= ''; valueFormatting = { formatString = '${##tags.tag.#name}'; }; },
titleFormatting = 'Server Keyword (${##tags.tag})'; valueFormatting = { 
formatString = '${##tags.tag}'; }; },
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