On 26 Mar 2019, at 11:17, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 16 Mar 2019, at 15:23, Aslak Raanes wrote:

Is there a way for getting all the "Not Junk" mail adresses from MailMate?

Do you mean all senders of all emails explicitly marked as “Not Junk”? In that case, you could first make a search for “Not Junk” emails. Using the toolbar search field that would be `K $NotJunk`. Then select all emails (⌘A) and use “Command ▸ MailMate ▸ Copy Senders”.


Speaking of search syntax, has anyone else noticed that if you open the contextual menu in the toolbar search field and select "View Search Syntax" you get an error that states "The selected content is currently unavailable"?

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