On 4 Mar 2019, at 2:03, Charlie Garrison wrote:

On 3 Mar 2019, at 20:39, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 26 Feb 2019, at 14:02, Charlie Garrison wrote:

It's not working for me though; would that be due to me using a beta version rather than latest 1.x release?

Yes, I  _think_  I noted that in my initial email, but I might be wrong :)

Yes, you said the latest release was needed, but didn't mention the 2.x series. And you didn't say whether the latest version was needed to support Gravatar or the headersFormatting.plist file. I know the 2.x series supports the headersFormatting.plist file, so figured it must also support the Gravatar hack (since it's just additional html).

That makes sense, but the additional HTML requires the calculation of an `md5` value which is currently only supported by the 1.x test releases.

As already established in this thread, I made several mistakes in my original description of the hack. I'm very sorry about that. The hack itself was never intended to be more than something that a few users might want to play with. I'll try to be more careful in the future when/if sharing such hacks.

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