The main file you need to override is
so you need to create ~/Library/Application
Support/Resources/Layouts/headersFormatting.plist. You should start
with a copy of the original and adapt it. You might also need to
which is done by adding a file with additional parser definitions at
~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Resources/specifiers.plist
Thanks for the tip on where/how to override the specifiers file. For
my circumstance, I believe I will need that as well as the formatting
file. Should be fun!
This actually worked really well and was easy. Although I added a
shorthand to the specifiers.plist file for ‘delegate’, I’m not
sure I actually needed it, as the headers field ‘sender’ was
already available to me in that file, and I didn’t actually reference
the delegate shorthand in the headersFormatting.plist when I started
working in there.
I basically just copied the section for “From” in the
headersFormatting.plist file and changed all instances of “From” and
“from” in the new section to “Sender” and “sender” and
restarted MailiMate.
Now when I am viewing a message that has both a from and a sender field
in the header, they are both displayed and in a standard message with
just the from field, only that is displayed. The conditional logic
behind it must be elsewhere. Simple and brilliant customization.
Thanks for the pointer!
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