Thanks. That works well too. I wasn't so much displeased with the way things were as curious. Thanks.

On 26 Apr 2019, at 17:54, Galen Menzel wrote:

Before you start hacking the headers display, have you tried the [hidden preference]( that makes the attachment table show up at the top of the message? Execute this command in the terminal and restart MailMate:

defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmShowAttachmentsFirst -bool YES

This puts the attachments not in the headers, but just below them. Like this:

Does this fit your needs?



On 24 Apr 2019, at 10:04, Zvi Biener wrote:

Thanks. Indeed, I have the paperclip and the bottom-listing displayed already. I was just curious, as the headers display is a particularly efficient way (for me) to get information. Thanks.

On 24 Apr 2019, at 11:11, Randall Gellens wrote:

My apologies, I accidentally typed an invalid header field name (I typed "Attachment-Disposition" when of course I was thinking "Content-Disposition").


On 24 Apr 2019, at 7:38, Randall Gellens wrote:

On 24 Apr 2019, at 5:27, Zvi Biener wrote:

Apologies for being unclear. By "headers display", I mean the set of information that you can alter through the View->Headers menu. "Attachment information" would be, well, information about attachments. Their number and names, for example.

I am also skeptical that this can be accessed through the relevant plist for View->Headers, but worth asking.

There is no standardized top-level header field for attachment information. A message with attachments has a top-level Content-Type header field of multipart; each attachment is a body part with a Content-Type header field and typically an Attachment-Disposition header field indicating if the attachment is intended to be displayed in-line versus handled as a classic attachment. So I don't think attachment information logically belongs in the header view.

However, MailMate does have options to display information about each attachment either at the top or bottom of a message. There is also the ability to display a paperclip icon for a message with an attachment in the table of contents view. If you right-click a message in the table of contents view, MailMate has some contextual menu items for attachments, including quick view and save.

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