Bill Cole wrote, quoting Robert M. Münch:

I use Stream Deck (physical shortcut deck) which allows to start an application. Most OSX apps can be activated by opening them again if they already run.

MM isn’t activated, instead it behaves strange in that it looks like a 2nd instance is launched but terminated after a short time.

Is it possible that you have MM installed in 2 places?

Rather than saying installed, I would say another executable image anywhere in the filesystem, and I do mean anywhere.

I have found that if I leave full-image backups (e.g. CarbonCopy Cloner or SuperDuper) mounted permanently, macOS Launch Services can get confused about which copy of an app is the right one to use. This can result in the behavior you describe.

Yes, correct. Rebuilding LaunchServices will fix this for a while, but not very long. Things in unmounted disk images are not a problem, nor are things in compressed (zipped) files.

Similarly, if you have an operating system installer anywhere in the filesystem, and you try to download an updated copy, that will not get saved to a separate file, your existing old installer will be overwritten with the new one's data.

I will refrain from opining on all this, other than to say I am not happy with it, at all.

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