On 29 Jun 2020, at 12:17, Dave C wrote:

1. I deleted them then emptied the Deleted Messages folder by selecting all and pressing Delete key. They’re gone.

In theory, that should fix it, but it's possible the server didn't do the EXPUNGE because of the error. The logs would show what the MailMate command was and how the server responded, and if the messages are still there or not.

2. Why is changing the flags on the messages more effective than deleting them?

Because the error is that both flags are set, which is not permitted, and which your server is enforcing (many servers ignore it). If you reset one or both flags on the messages that have both, you immediately fix the problem.

If you take the account off line now, then put it back on line, force a resynchronization of all folders (including Deleted Messages), then search for messages with both flags, are any messages found?


On 29 Jun 2020, at 10:03, Randall Gellens wrote:

When your search found four messages with both flags set, did you only delete them (which moves them to the Deleted folder) or did you also reset one or both flags? The suggestion earlier was to search for messages that have both flags, then reset one or both flags on those messages, so that no messages have both flags.


On 27 Jun 2020, at 20:26, Dave C wrote:

I took some time today to try to fix this.

I opened the log window and took the account online. I saw listed what I think are message numbers. One number matched a message which I deleted. The other one didn’t find a message.

I restarted MM and took that account online. Same results:


I did a “Mailbox Search” (Edit>Find) using criteria “Flag Contains $Junk” and “Flag Contains $NotJunk”.

This search turned up 4 or 5 messages which I deleted.

I restarted MM and took that account online. Same results.

Took it offline again.

Again I did a search with those same criteria. Zero messages. I looked for “$Junk” messages. Zero.

Not sure what to do next.


On 24 Jun 2020, at 14:51, Dave C wrote:

I get this error:
- - -
MailMate encountered the following error: “Server response: “I8 BAD [CLIENTBUG] APPEND Contains both $Junk and $NotJunk flags”.”.
Mailbox: “Inbox”.
- - -
First question: What exactly is causing this error and how to fix it? “Try again” and “try later” simply result in repeated errors.

Second question: Why is this a fatal error? (I have to take the account off-line to get MM to continue). Shouldn’t this be an “informational” error and not cause the account to fail?

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