I’m trying to sort my mailing lists into something halfway manageable and 
If I use the “out of the box” Mailing List mailbox, with the following settings:
Sort for unique values of List-id > description
And name mailboxes as:
I get a baffling array of names such as:
 * 420a598457b46e0aa26a7a673mc list
 * 15marches.substack.com
 * 245.44880.info.alternatives-economiques.fr
 * 245.44922.info.alternatives-economiques.fr

It seems some people use the list-id to name their lists, others an identifier, 
others yet a url ….
And basically, whatever item I choose to sort by, or rename by, I’m never going 
to get a proper list of names.
I’ve tried to rename some of the lists, which would work except … some list 
managers seem to change list-id’s every few mails, so I have mailing lists 
spread over many separate mailboxes …

I’ve started building rules to identify and tag each and every newsletter, but 
this is brittle (the ux being what it is, it’s difficult to have rules with 
more than 4 or 5 conditions, so I’ve spread out the newsletters over multiple 
rules), any new newsletter needs to go through a process….

I can’t imagine, with the number of power users using MailMate, that there 
aren’t some interesting solutions around …

mailmate mailing list

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