On 29 Jun 2021, at 9:13, Glenn Parker wrote:

> To restate my question: what are the downsides to a compromised email 
> account, and do they justify this level of access control?

I think in the University scenario (and probably many corporate scenarios), the 
risk that is being addressed is that due to Single Sign On (SSO), the identity 
used for accessing mail is the same identity for accessing other resources.  
Any use of the identity that does not work within the SSO system (including 
DUO) is considered a risk.  For most Universities using MS Exchange, the vast 
majority of users use mechanisms that work with the SSO (Outlook and Outlook 
Web Access) and it is considered an acceptable “solution” to just turn off 
IMAP, etc. unless there is a significant reason to invest in supporting 
additional variations.

There are, of course, several downsides to this decision but the downsides to a 
compromised email account included a compromised identity.

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