This veers far off-topic, but it is somewhat relevant to anyone using email, which includes all MailMate users, so please forgive the verbose ranting...

On 2021-06-29 at 10:13:10 UTC-0400 (Tue, 29 Jun 2021 10:13:10 -0400)
Glenn Parker <>
is rumored to have said:

I would be interested in a deeper discussion of the actual security threats that all this awkward 2FA/OAuth2/whatever are meant to address. I mean, I certainly understand the basic need for authentication (and encrypted transmission) to limit access to private information, but it seems like some folks are going way overboard for email here. All security is a tradeoff with convenience, like a fence around your property that limits free access to everyone, including yourself. So, it’s important to weigh the tradeoffs.

To restate my question: what are the downsides to a compromised email account, and do they justify this level of access control?

Email is a critical link in many password recovery/reset systems, so compromising an email account can enable an attacker to identify and compromise a broad range of other accounts. For example, I am aware of banks and brokerages which will email a password reset link without any form of secondary authentication or even sanity checking of where the 'click' is coming from. Because an email account can often be used to authenticate a SIM swap on a mobile phone account, takeover of an email account can break SMS-based 2nd-factor authentication as well.

Email is also a key form of communication in many businesses. A major direct abuse of compromised email accounts is for an account hijacker to use the account of an executive to direct employees to do things that effectively give the attacker money. I won't do an in-depth description here, but you can find details of incidents and by searching for "Business Email Compromise" or "BEC attack." Often those attacks are mounted via simple forgery rather than account hijack, but the defenses against the forgery forms actually make account hijacking more effective.

I help manage email systems that see unceasing attempts to break into accounts, often using username+password combinations leaked by other systems. At any point in time, one smallish mail system I work with (~2k users) will have dozens of attack sources temporarily blocked at the network level by automated tools that can detect some careless authentication attacks. The simple fact that the Bad Guys find this sort of attack to be worth mounting is enough for me to know that it is worth mitigating, even if I were not aware of how exactly they use compromised accounts. Unfortunately, due to users ignoring vehement advice about password re-use, I have seen the impact that email compromise can have on both businesses and on individual lives.

Users can perform a limited number of actions in the email universe: read mail, delete mail, reorganize mail folders, and send mail:

 * Read mail: private information could be exposed, obviously.

This is critical more because of the leverage it provides to other systems than it is for the bulk of information in mail.

* Delete mail and reorganize mail folders: important (?) records or progress tracking could be lost or “misplaced”. (But, seriously, don’t use email for critical data storage).

If you know how to actually get people to follow that critical advice, you could make millions.

I have had users who treat their "Trash" folders as critical archival storage.

* Send mail: IMHO, the biggest threat to an organization is the potential for social engineering via “authentic” appearing

It's about even with the leverage of reading critical emails like password reset messages, in my opinion.

I’m going to dismiss the deletion and reorganizing actions as de minimus (but tell me if I’m missing something).

Covering tracks is useful. If I use your email account to reset your banking password, I may be able to prevent you from seeing it happen by rapidly removing the reset message.

Maintaining privacy for reading email is a valid concern, but I don’t think it justifies having to authenticate on every IMAP transaction.

I disagree, as do essentially all of the other people who have helped develop the IMAP protocol and its common implementations over the past ~30 years. Fortunes have been made selling email privacy and other fortunes made (some even legally) compromising it.

OTOH, bogus emails are potentially far more serious, and I could see reasons for much tighter access when sending mail. And distinct protocols controls for reading and sending could certainly be implemented.

We're already there. While both SMTP and IMAP are resistant by design to 2FA, mail systems have mostly moved away from the traditional model of basic SMTP for sending mail to its derivative 'submission' protocol that enforces authentication at the transport layer and additional tools like DKIM and DMARC that put authentication into the application layer, embedding server signatures in headers and publishing domain policies in DNS. SMTP/submission sessions are typically single-transaction and last for seconds. IMAP sessions are mostly short, but they are almost always multi-transaction and mostly last on the order of a minute, with some being kept open idling for days.

I’m surprised that the level of flexibility for gating access to email services seems so limited today. The crux for these matters is the directory service that validates end user credentials. It seems like we could implement some flexible and fairly sophisticated authentication protocols (between the directory and the IMAP/SMTP server) that would not require any direct tweaks to email clients. This might allow, for example, a user to authenticate once via 2FA, and then maintain IMAP access (using standard IMAP authentication) for some number of days before having to authenticate again.

That's basically what OAuth2 does. It requires IMAP client support because the client needs to know when and how to make the user go through the out-of-band authentication procedure again.

As with all new open security schemes, it takes time for everyone to reach interoperability.

It’s been a while since I worked on the software for such services, so maybe there’s a lot I need to catch up on, but I basically feel that “ultra-hardened” email is a poor idea.

It sucks. The alternatives are worse.

Bill Cole or
(AKA @grumpybozo and many * addresses)
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