I switched to fastmail after 15 or 16 years of hosting my own mail server.

I've been really happy with them. Migrating all my old mail was a snap and happened much more quickly than I expected. They also have MailMate-specific setup instructions, so they are MailMate-friendly at least to that extent:


I don't remember whether I had to use their instructions or not, the whole thing was pretty simple and straightforward.

I'm using their "standard" 30 GB plan. Paying up front for a couple of years brought the price down to a little less than $4/month.

Honestly, I should have done something like this years ago. Hosting my own mail server cost a lot more and although it was sort of fun and educational in its time, that hadn't actually been the case for a long time.

So FWIW, happy fastmail customer here. I expect to stick with them for a long time.

On Wed 2023-04-12 11:55 AM MDT -0600, <k...@kenpope.com> wrote:

*Thanks* for the continued stream of great info.

My plan to move to a much cheaper dedicated server crashed when I discovered that a much cheaper dedicated server couldn’t deliver what I needed.

Part of Plan B includes finding a good, secure email provider that (a) will accept my domain name, (b) plays well with Mail Mate, (c) will allow me to import my current array of emails, & (d) allows sufficient storage (e.g., StartMail looks great but has an inflexible limit of only 10G storage for all plans).

The following prospects made the initial cuts of my research. I’d appreciate your comments about any of the following or any other provider you recommend or warn against.

Scala Hosting

Thanks as always for your help.
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