On 24 May 2023, at 15:09, Chay Wesley wrote:

> I haven't seen any communications from Benny in about two months.  Does 
> anyone have any news?  I hope he is well.

I'm ok :) There's been a lot of, let's say, “family activity” the past few 
months and I've been less active on email correspondence (even more than usual) 
and bug-hunting/fixing since this often requires quick forth and back 

But this does not mean I haven't been working. Most of that work has gone into 
an almost complete rewrite of the message list in MailMate which is one of the 
big items on my todo list. An awful lot of this work isn't really visible since 
it's related to how it's implemented and not what it can do, but it was still 
important work :)

The new better (cleaner/robust/faster?) implementation means that I'll now be 
able to, finally, add the option of a single column message list. This part is 
not fully implemented yet, but I believe I'm relatively close to being able to 
release a crude first shot at it.

All this just to let you know that I'm ok and I'll do my best to get back to 
emailing as well :)

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