This is an old message and possibly a resolved issue, but I'll answer in case anyone finds it googling :)

On 23 Apr 2024, at 17:04, Zvi Biener wrote:

I wonder if anyone has come across this before. I have a single imap Mailbox that keep going into a failed state, with the mailbox going grey and the word “(failed)” following its name. I’m failed certain that the culprit is report on with the following message in the activity viewer:
IMAP - UC (davmail)
G228 APPEND Archive (|Seen) " 3-Apr-2024 07:51:35 - 0400" {51934584}
But I have no idea how to remove this message. I searched the MM directories for “51934584”, but nothing comes up. I’ve tried usubscribing and resubscribing to the sigle box, but this didn’t make a diferent.

When `APPEND` is involved then it's because MailMate is trying to upload a message. In this case, a very large message since `51934584` is its size in bytes (~52MB). The easiest way to find it would be to select the IMAP mailbox and enable/sort the Size column. Alternatively, enable the UID column and look for messages without UID (pending to be uploaded).

When found then it can be deleted by holding down ⌥ to do “Message > Delete Permanently”. Or it can be moved to an account/mailbox which allows a message of that size to be uploaded.

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