Hello all,

I’d like to be able to use bbedit to edit cover letters and patch comments when 
I’m sending multiple patches at once. I have set bbedit as my default git 
editor as follows:

git config core.editor "bbedit --wait --resume"

I also have send-email multiedit enabled:

git config sendemail.multiedit true

This works fine when sending a single patch. However, when sending multiple 
patches at once, bbedit doesn’t behave as I would expect. The way this works in 
vim is that all patches to be edited are opened simultaneously as buffers. You 
can switch through them with `:bn` and then exit when all your edits are made.

The behavior I’d expect from bbedit is that all patches are opened in a single 
editor window with each file is listed in the sidebar. However, what actually 
happens is that the patches open one by one—the first patch opens, then after 
you close it the second patch opens, and so on.

Does anyone know if it’s possible to get multiedit behavior working with git?


Logan Kirkland

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