On 7/13/2015 8:13 PM, John R Levine wrote:
Google's record doesn't affect SPF.  Look at section 4.5 of RFC 7208,
and you'll see that SPF takes all of the records returned for the TXT
lookup, and only picks the one that starts with v=spf1.  Other records
are ignored and don't count toward the lookup limit.

Except it may not fit in an 1500 bytes UDP packet anymore...
and or TCP  will occur... delaying the answer, enough for the
mailserver to
move on, not waiting for the answer anymore.

I've done it.  The extra DNS records for site verification are not large.

They make you add one for each mail operator (unless you use a shared account with your colleagues), so for large teams it can get out of hand.

Q: I’d like to set up Postmaster Tools access for multiple accounts for our domain. Do I have to set up separate DNS verification records for each of them?
A: Yes, each account needs its own DNS verification record at this time.

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