I wish I had an error message other than the regular/occasional 550 mailbox

I do have one gun that has a wisp of smoke to it: when analyzing FBL
complaints, an overwhelmingly large amount of them (~70% ballpark or so I
believe) are ex post factum FBL complaints coming in bulk: a given user
simply marks a large amount of emails (say from 2 to 10) and marks them all
as spam. I've been getting these for up to 2 months backwards. I have
nicknamed the phenomena 'Complaint amplification'.

the reason I doubt it explains anything is because our complaint rate
should be very very low either way.

On Thu, Sep 3, 2015 at 9:01 PM, Anne Mitchell <amitch...@isipp.com> wrote:

> If someone can send me actual error messages, along with the IP address
> from which you are sending, we'll see what we can do.
> Anne
> Anne P. Mitchell,
> Attorney at Law
> CEO/President
> ISIPP SuretyMail Email Reputation, Accreditation & Certification
> Your mail system + SuretyMail accreditation = delivered to their inbox!
> Figure Out if It's Worth It:
> http://www.isipp.com/free-tools/roi-calculator/
> http://www.SuretyMail.com/
> http://www.SuretyMail.eu/
> Author: Section 6 of the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 (the Federal anti-spam law)
> Member, California Bar Cyberspace Law Committee
> Member, Colorado Cybersecurity Consortium
> Ret. Professor of Law, Lincoln Law School of San Jose
> 303-731-2121 | amitch...@isipp.com | @AnnePMitchell
> Facebook/AnnePMitchell  | LinkedIn/in/annemitchell
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