Reply to the ticket and request an escalation, set forth your case ... and wait.
A human will respond, even though it's with boilerplate.

But a Human ... Will Respond.

Michael J Wise | Microsoft | Spam Analysis | "Your Spam Specimen Has Been 
Processed." | Got the Junk Mail Reporting Tool ?

-----Original Message-----
From: mailop [] On Behalf Of Alarig Le Lay
Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2016 2:50 AM
Subject: Re: [mailop] Mail accepted by disappears.

On Fri Mar 18 00:38:36 2016, Michael Wise wrote:
> Has the customer signed up for JMRP or SNDS?
> Because if not, that would be step #0; see below.
> And yes, under certain circumstances, Hotmail/Outlook will 250 the mail, and 
> may then if it considers the IP sufficiently toxic, delete it without 
> delivering it to the intended recipient’s INBOX or Junk folder with no NDR. 
> The issue will be highlighted in the SNDS report, however.
> And there is *NO-ONE* at Microsoft who is a contact who can get things 
> running smoothly again.
> The policy is cast in ferro-cement, no exceptions:
> 1)      Open a ticket and request mitigation for the IP(s) here: 
> 2)      Wait and see what the machine thinks…


I did this for on of my IP, but the machine thinks it should be kept
But, the /24 just appears on the Internet (was not even routed some
moths ago) and the mails are delivered if we use an IP from another

What should we do in that case?

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