On Fri, May 27, 2016 at 11:49 AM, Michael Peddemors
<mich...@linuxmagic.com> wrote:
> Have been watching this thread for a bit, and do have an opinion.
> First of all, I see a lot of talk about 'COI' (Confirmed Opt-In), rather
> than the term 'CDOI' (Confirmed Double Opt-in) and the reason I point it
> out, is that there is a lot of loose definitions of both 'opt-in' and
> 'confirmed'.
> While it might be more 'attractive' to offer a simple 'click to confirm',
> why are you not using the more standard 'Please Reply To' this message if
> you want to receive these messages?

Because a signup process that falls victim to various types of
auto-responses would be bad. Anything you'd have to add to that to try
to prevent that issue would make it more confusing for some folks and
would result in a drop off in confirmation rate.

Regarding this new "CDOI" acronym: Michael, bless you for trying, but
you're the guy who runs the blacklist that calls all commercial email
"third party mail" no matter how confirmed or clearly opt-in it is, so
you personally wouldn't be the guy I'd look to for help throwing more
definitions at the problem.

Al Iverson

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