On Tue, 27 Jun 2017 10:01:43 +0200, Philip Paeps <phi...@trouble.is> wrote:

>Unfortunately, rejecting all mail from OVH would result in rather more 
>than one or two false positives.  They (inexplicably?) have quite a lot 
>of legitimate customers too. :/

Surprising, but true.  One or two of them are deliverability clients with
excellent mailing practices.  Their main problems have been the overall
reputation of OVH IP space.

>Would be nice if I could just block a /15.  That sounds refreshingly 
>easy and rewarding. :)

There was a certain bliss that attended clicking the ADD RULE button on that

  If I laugh when a guy goes flying on a banana peel, is that a
  schadenfreudian slip?
       -- Zippy

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