On 06/09/2018 09:32 AM, Andrew C Aitchison wrote:
If a domain has no MX record, do all servers deliver to an AAAA record, as required by (at least) RFC3974, or do some email systems ignore domains with no MX and no A record ?

My personal stance has been "Don't be surprised if the lack of an MX fails when you want it to work." and "Don't be surprised if you do receive email to servers without an MX."

Isn't ambiguity fun.

I've seen people put MX records in for every single host in their network referring back to a central email infrastructure that knew how to properly handle email for said systems.

I've also started seeing a few Null MX records.

   example.net   IN   MX   0   .

Grant. . . .
unix || die

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