If you had any honest question here, you got it wrong by laying on the
insult and making leading statements. Since you are acting like a
troll, I think we should treat you like a troll and tell you to go

I get so many spams, but I have not gotten a spam from a Mailchimp
customer for as long as I can remember. There are many other email
services providers that are much worse. Mailchimp is not the problem
for most of us, so perhaps the question to ask is, are you the
outlier? And if so, why? Are your filters broken?
On Tue, Nov 6, 2018 at 7:07 AM Benoit Panizzon <benoit.paniz...@imp.ch> wrote:
> Hi List
> We again face problems with services by MailChimp.
> Their platform is equally fashioned by serious companies sending
> permission based newsletters and by very persistent repetitive spamer.
> They repeatedly get blacklisted on our platform, because of recipient
> complaints.
> Then repeatedly customers having subscribed to newsletters from serious
> companies complain to us, because mailchimp is blocked by our anti-spam
> services.
> The customer reporting spam are not those who subscribed to
> newsletters, forget about it and them report opt-in emails as spam.
> No, the problem is that MailChimp operates under 'US' marketing laws
> where the sender is only obliged to provide an 'opt-out' link in spam he
> sends and does not have to require the recipient to have a validated
> opt-in to get advertisement emails.
> So often, the spamers use harvested email addresses (even spamtraps we
> have hidden of websites) or lists they bought online.
> The other problem is about GDPR, where laws in most European countries
> require the sender of advertisement to disclose the source of data of a
> recipient to this recipient.
> Spamers sending email over mailchimp are clever. The links in the email
> point to some anonymous redirection services to mailchimp themselves or
> to domains registered via anonymizing proxies. Payment work over
> paypal and if you have been trying to get at the identity of a fraudster
> who took money via paypal, you know this is not possible. So the
> recipient of spam needs to contact the 'sender' aka MailChimp and
> requires MailChimp to disclose the identity of the sender, which
> MailChimp then again rejects pointing to US privacy laws which require
> them not to disclose the identity of their customers. Safe Heaven for
> Spamer!
> MailChimp does close accounts for which they get a certain number of
> complaints, but they fail to recognize and block the same spamer who
> repeatedly opens news accounts.
> So what do you think should ISP and Email Plattform operators do about
> MailChimp?
> * Tell the customers complaining about spam they have to live with it?
> * Block MailChimp and tell serious companies who get blocked as
>   collateral damage, to look for another, not so spamer firendly ESP?
> Mit freundlichen Grüssen
> -Benoît Panizzon-
> --
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