On 11/30/2018 11:06 AM, Kurt Andersen (b) wrote:
Sadly, they are using a cousin domain for the mailing


I'll add to this -  that from the perspective of someone who manages an anti-spam blacklist - use of such domains makes my job significantly harder and, while not uncommon, this is just plain dumb. Why? Our automated systems factors into listing decisions an analysis of the "good reputation" of such domains in order to help prevent false positives and minimize potential collateral damage.

Anyone with half a brain should be able to figure out that "marriott.com" has order of magnitudes more "good reputation" than "email-marriott.com" - so this is just not wise. Yes, it is common - and yes, at invaluement we've done numerous things to adjust for this - but for anyone who cares about getting their email delivered with a higher percentage of success, this is NOT a "best practice"

Rob McEwen
mailop mailing list

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