I have seen something similar for some of our clients, and it turned out to
be a Gmail Chrome plugin they used for tracking.

I can’t remember the exact plugin, but, it was changing all links in the
email to the plugin tracking domain, and that domain was blacklisted at

So, first thing is to check if those users have any kind of Chrome plugin
for Gmail active and disable them and test again.

Not saying this IS the problem, but, it’s a place to start looking ;-)

Kind Regards,

Richelo Killian

From: Nick Stallman <n...@agentpoint.com> <n...@agentpoint.com>
Reply: Nick Stallman <n...@agentpoint.com> <n...@agentpoint.com>
Date: March 11, 2019 at 01:16:19
To: mailop@mailop.org <mailop@mailop.org> <mailop@mailop.org>
Subject:  [mailop] Certain addresses from G Suite going straight to O365

Has anyone come across a strange issue with O365's spam filter, where some
addresses on a domain go straight to spam but other addresses don't, when
they are all G Suite addresses?

We've noticed 3 of our staff have their emails reliably going straight to
spam for O365 destinations, but everyone else can send emails just fine.
The affected users are all using Gmail directly (no email clients), nothing
fancy at all and I can't see any reason why they would have been affected.

I'm at a bit of a loss as to where to go from here:
- DKIM, DMARC and SPF are all set up correctly
- G Suite support wasn't much help as the emails are being delivered
correctly, and they verified DKIM, DMARC and SPF.
- We've got SNDS for our mail server (for our servers) of course, but these
emails are being delivered directly through GMail not our own servers.
- I can't use the form to open a ticket for Outlook.com delivery issues as
our servers aren't doing the sending, and there aren't any logged errors
(the emails aren't being rejected).
- No bulk marketing or anything has been sent from the affected users, so I
can't imagine anyone would have manually marked emails as spam.
- This issue occurs to all client O365 domains, I've looked at about a
dozen different destination O365 domains.

It's all a very weird scenario. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Nick Stallman
Technical Director
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